About us

Welcome to FeelGoodPal - your trusted companion on the journey to holistic health and wellness.

Every individual’s path to health is unique, intricate, and deeply personal. It’s a journey filled with aspirations, struggles, discoveries, and triumphs.

At FeelGoodPal, we’re not just observers; we walk alongside you. Each step you take towards understanding and nurturing your well-being is a step we take with you because we believe that how you feel – mentally, physically, and emotionally – can shape every moment of your life.

In a world overflowing with information that is not clear or accurate, we strive to be your beacon. Our mission is to demystify health, nutrition, and well-being. By providing expert-reviewed, person-first insights, we empower you to make informed decisions for yourself and your loved ones. From understanding a medical condition to adopting a healthier lifestyle, we present knowledge that is both comprehensive and comprehensible.

At FeelGoodPal, we’re more than just information; we’re emotions. We see the individual behind every query, the story behind every search. Our dedication is not just towards delivering facts but fostering empathy. Wellness is not just a state of body, but a state of heart and mind.

We invite you to explore the numerous resources we’ve crafted for you. Delve into our content, resonate with our stories, and let’s craft a healthier narrative together.

With warmth and care,
The FeelGoodPal Team

If you’re here, it’s because health matters to you. And that means you matter to us. Every article you read, every tip you take away, and every story you relate to has been meticulously curated for clarity, accuracy, and relatability.

Editorial Integrity & Quality

At the core of FeelGoodPal lies a commitment to truth, integrity, and empathy. Our content, sculpted by seasoned writers and editors, is rooted in evidence and carefully framed. Behind every piece lies the expertise of clinicians, health professionals, and passionate individuals dedicated to making a difference.

Our stringent sourcing protocols and robust review processes ensure that what you read is current and credible. Our ever-vigilant experts constantly survey the evolving health landscape, ensuring our content remains relevant, updated, and valuable. When we cite, we cite from the best. When we claim, we back it up. This is the FeelGoodPal promise.

Your health journey deserves trust, understanding, and a reliable pal. Let’s travel it together. Welcome to FeelGoodPal.


We welcome feedback from our readers. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any comments, suggestions or corrections:

FeelGoodPal Am Eisernen Tor 2 / 17
8010 Graz

Write for us

We are actively seeking experienced and qualified writers with expertise and credentials in the areas of nutrition, health, and wellness. Email us at writeforus@feelgoodpal.com.

Please be aware that we do not accept guest-authored content that has not been solicited.