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Natural appetite suppressants

10 natural appetite suppressants that help you lose weight

Here is a detailed look at 10 evidence-based natural appetite suppressants that can help you lose weight.

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10 natural appetite suppressants that help you lose weight
Last updated on October 15, 2023, and last reviewed by an expert on May 24, 2022.

There are many weight loss products on the market.

10 natural appetite suppressants that help you lose weight

They work in different ways, either by reducing your appetite, blocking the absorption of certain nutrients, or increasing the number of calories you burn.

This article focuses on natural herbs and plants that have been shown to help you eat less food by reducing appetite, increasing feelings of fullness, or reducing food cravings.

Here are the top 10 natural appetite suppressants that can help you lose weight.

1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an herb from the legume family. The seeds, after being dried and ground, are the most commonly used part of the plant.

The seeds consist of 45% fiber, most of which is insoluble. However, they also contain soluble fiber, including galactomannan.

Thanks to its high fiber content, fenugreek has been shown to provide health benefits, such as blood sugar regulation, cholesterol reduction, and appetite control.

Fenugreek works by slowing stomach emptying and delaying carb and fat absorption. This translates into decreased appetite and better blood sugar control.

A study of 18 healthy people with obesity found that consuming 8 grams of fiber from fenugreek reduced appetite more effectively than 4 grams of fiber from fenugreek. Participants also felt fuller and ate less at the next meal.

Moreover, it seems that fenugreek could help people decrease their fat intake.

For example, one study of 12 healthy men showed that taking 1.2 grams of fenugreek seed extract decreased daily fat intake by 17%. It also lowered their daily calorie intake by about 12%.

Additionally, a review of 12 randomized controlled studies found that fenugreek has blood-sugar- and cholesterol-lowering properties.

Research has shown that fenugreek is safe and has few or no side effects.


Fenugreek: An herb with impressive health benefits
Suggested read: Fenugreek: An herb with impressive health benefits

Summary: Fenugreek seeds contain galactomannan fiber. This soluble fiber helps reduce appetite by increasing fullness levels, slowing stomach emptying, and delaying carb and fat absorption.

2. Glucomannan

Increasing your fiber intake is a great way to control your appetite and lose weight.

Of the best-known soluble fibers, glucomannan seems to be the most effective for weight loss. It both reduces appetite and decreases food intake.

Glucomannan is also able to absorb water and become a viscous gel, which can bypass digestion and get to the colon relatively unchanged.

The bulking property of glucomannan assists in promoting feelings of fullness and delaying stomach emptying, which can help reduce food intake and aid weight loss.

In one study, 83 people with overweight experienced a significant reduction in body weight and fat after taking a supplement containing 3 grams of glucomannan and 300 mg of calcium carbonate for 2 months.

In a larger study, 176 participants with overweight were randomized to receive three different glucomannan supplements or a placebo while on a calorie-restricted diet.

Those who received any of the glucomannan supplements experienced significant weight loss compared with those taking the placebo.

Moreover, glucomannan may help decrease the absorption of protein and fats, feed the friendly bacteria in the gut, help regulate blood sugar levels, and reduce total and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Glucomannan is considered safe and generally well tolerated. However, it may start expanding before reaching the stomach, making it a choking hazard. Therefore, it’s important to take it with one to two glasses of water or other liquid.


Start at 1 gram 3 times a day, 15 minutes to 1 hour before a meal.

Glucomannan: Is it an effective weight loss supplement?
Suggested read: Glucomannan: Is it an effective weight loss supplement?

Summary: Glucomannan is one of the most effective types of fiber for weight loss. This soluble fiber forms a viscous gel, which delays fat and carb absorption. When taken before meals, it can help suppress appetite.

3. Gymnema sylvestre

Gymnema sylvestre is an herb most commonly known for its anti-diabetic properties. However, it could also aid weight loss.

Its active compounds, known as gymnemic acids, have been shown to block the sweetness of food. In other words, consuming Gymnema sylvestre can reduce the taste of sugar in the mouth and fight sugar cravings.

A study that tested the effects of Gymnema sylvestre on people who were fasting found those who took it had lower appetite levels and were more likely to limit their food intake, compared with those who did not take the supplement.

Similarly, gymnemic acids can bind to sugar receptors in the intestine, preventing the absorption of sugar in the blood. This could help maintain low blood sugar levels and avoid carb storage as fat.

A few animal studies also support the influence of Gymnema sylvestre on body weight and fat absorption.

One of the studies showed that this supplement helped animals maintain their weight while they were fed a high-fat diet for 10 weeks.

Another study demonstrated that Gymnema sylvestre could block the digestion of fat and even increase its excretion from the body.

Always try to consume these supplements with food, as mild stomach discomfort may occur if they are taken on an empty stomach.


Summary: Gymnema sylvestre is an herb that can help decrease sugar cravings. Its active compounds can help you eat fewer sugary foods, decrease sugar absorption into the blood, and even block the digestion of fats.

4. Griffonia simplicifolia (5-HTP)

Griffonia simplicifolia is a plant known for being one of the best natural sources of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP).

5-HTP is a compound that gets converted into serotonin in the brain. An increase in serotonin levels has been shown to influence the brain by suppressing appetite.

Thus, 5-HTP aids weight loss by helping decrease carb intake and hunger levels.

In one randomized study, 20 healthy women with overweight received Griffonia simplicifolia extract containing 5-HTP or a placebo for 4 weeks.

At the end of the study, the treatment group experienced significant increases in fullness levels and reductions in waist and arm circumference.

Another study investigated the effect of a formulation containing 5-HTP on appetite in 27 healthy women with overweight.

Results showed that the treatment group experienced lower appetite, increased levels of fullness, and significant weight reductions over 8 weeks.

However, supplementation with 5-HTP appears to produce some nausea and stomach discomfort during prolonged use.

5-HTP supplements may also increase the risk of serotonin syndrome when combined with certain antidepressants. You should not take Griffonia simplicifolia or 5-HTP supplements without consulting your healthcare provider.


5-HTP supplements are probably a more effective appetite suppressant than Griffonia simplicifolia, given that 5-HTP is the main active compound in this herb.

Doses for 5-HTP range from 300–500 mg, taken once a day or in divided doses. It’s recommended to take it with meals to increase feelings of fullness.

Summary: Griffonia simplicifolia is a plant rich in 5-HTP. This compound is converted into serotonin in the brain, which has been shown to decrease appetite and reduce carb intake.

5. Caralluma fimbriata

Caralluma fimbriata is an herb that has traditionally been used to suppress appetite and enhance endurance.

It’s believed that compounds in Caralluma fimbriata can increase the circulation of serotonin in the brain, which has been shown to decrease carb intake and suppress appetite.

One study in 50 adults with overweight showed that taking 1 gram of Caralluma fimbriata extract for 2 months resulted in a 2.5% weight loss, thanks to a significant reduction in appetite.

Another study gave 43 people with overweight 500 mg of Caralluma fimbriata twice daily for 12 weeks, alongside a controlled diet and exercise. It found they experienced a significant reduction in waist circumference and body weight.

Additionally, one study looked at people with Prader-Willi syndrome, a health condition that leads to overeating. Participants were treated with doses of 250, 500, 750, or 1,000 mg of Caralluma fimbriata extract or a placebo for 4 weeks.

The group taking the highest dose — 1,000 mg per day — experienced significantly lower appetite levels and reductions in food intake by the end of the study.

Caralluma fimbriata extract does not have any documented side effects.


It’s recommended in doses of 500 mg twice daily for at least 1 month.

Summary: Caralluma fimbriata is an herb that may help decrease appetite levels. Combined with exercise and a calorie-controlled diet, Caralluma fimbriata has been shown to promote weight loss.

6. Green tea extract

Green tea extract is effective for weight loss, in addition to offering many other great health benefits.

Green tea contains two compounds that contribute to its weight loss properties — caffeine and catechins.

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that increases fat burning and suppresses appetite.

Meanwhile, catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), have been shown to boost metabolism and reduce fat.

The combination of EGCG and caffeine in green tea extract work together to make the body more effective at burning calories, which can lead to weight loss.

A study of 10 healthy people showed a 4% increase in calories burned after consuming a combination of EGCG and caffeine.

Although there is no research on the appetite suppression properties of green tea extract in humans, it seems that green tea in combination with other ingredients may reduce appetite.

Green tea is safe in doses of up to 800 mg of EGCG. Higher doses of 1,200 mg of EGCG have been linked to nausea.


The recommended dosage for green tea with standardized EGCG as its main ingredient is 250–500 mg per day.

How green tea can help you lose weight
Suggested read: How green tea can help you lose weight

Summary: Green tea extract contains caffeine and catechins, which can boost metabolism, burn fat, and aid weight loss. Combining green tea extract with other ingredients may decrease appetite levels and reduce food intake.

7. Conjugated linoleic acid

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a type of trans fat found naturally in some fatty animal products. Interestingly, it has several proven health benefits.

CLA has been shown to help with weight loss by increasing fat burn, blocking the production of fat, and stimulating fat breakdown.

Research shows that CLA also increases feelings of fullness and decreases appetite.

A study showed that 54 people given 3.6 grams of CLA per day for 13 weeks had a lower appetite and greater levels of fullness than those taking a placebo. However, this did not affect how much food participants consumed.

Moreover, CLA seems to help reduce body fat. A review of 18 studies concluded that taking 3.2 grams of CLA per day seems to reduce body fat.

Studies deem CLA safe, and no adverse events have been reported in doses of up to 6 grams per day.


The recommended daily dose is 3–6 grams. It should be taken with meals.

Summary: Conjugated linoleic acid is a trans fat with appetite suppressant benefits. CLA has been shown to increase fat burn and block fat absorption.

8. Garcinia cambogia

Garcinia cambogia comes from a fruit of the same name, also known as Garcinia gummi-gutta.

The peel of this fruit contains high concentrations of hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is proven to have weight loss properties.

Animal research has shown that garcinia cambogia supplements could reduce food intake.

In addition, human studies demonstrate that garcinia cambogia reduces appetite, blocks fat production, and decreases body weight.

It seems that garcinia cambogia can also raise serotonin levels, which act upon brain receptors in charge of fullness signals. As a result, it may suppress appetite.

However, other studies have found that garcinia cambogia does not reduce appetite or aid weight loss. Therefore, results may vary by individual.

Garcinia cambogia seems to be safe in doses of up to 2,800 mg of HCA per day. However, some side effects, such as headaches, skin rashes, and stomach upset have been reported.


Garcinia cambogia is recommended at doses of 500 mg of HCA. It should be taken 30–60 minutes before meals.

Summary: Garcinia cambogia contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA has been shown to help increase serotonin levels, which may improve fullness levels. However, some studies show no significant effects from this supplement.

9. Yerba mate

Yerba mate is a plant native to South America. It’s known for its energy-boosting properties.

Animal studies have shown that consuming yerba mate over 4 weeks significantly decreased food and water intake and aided weight loss.

One study in mice showed that the long-term consumption of yerba mate helped decrease appetite, food intake, and body weight by increasing glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and leptin levels.

GLP-1 is a compound generated in the gut that regulates appetite, while leptin is the hormone in charge of signaling fullness. Increasing their levels leads to less hunger.

Other studies have also shown that yerba mate, in combination with other ingredients, may help reduce hunger and appetite.

A study of 12 healthy women demonstrated that taking 2 grams of yerba mate before performing a 30-minute cycling exercise reduced appetite and even boosted metabolism, focus, and energy levels.

Yerba mate appears to be safe and does not produce any severe side effects.


8 proven health benefits of yerba mate
Suggested read: 8 proven health benefits of yerba mate

Summary: Yerba mate is a plant known for its energy-boosting properties. It has been shown to help increase glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and leptin levels. Both of these compounds may increase fullness levels and decrease appetite.

10. Coffee

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Coffee and its high concentration of caffeine are known to have many health benefits.

Studies on coffee show that it can help with weight loss by increasing calorie burn and fat breakdown.

Additionally, coffee may help decrease appetite, thus aiding weight loss. It seems that ingesting caffeine 0.5–4 hours before a meal may influence stomach emptying, appetite hormones, and feelings of hunger.

Moreover, drinking coffee may make people less likely to eat more during the following meal and throughout the day, compared with not drinking it.

Interestingly, these effects may differ for men and women. One study showed that consuming 300 mg of caffeine resulted in about a 22% decrease in calorie intake for men, whereas it did not affect calorie intake for women.

Furthermore, some studies found no positive effects on appetite reduction from caffeine.

Caffeine could also help you boost your metabolism by up to 11% and increase fat burning by up to 29% in lean people.

Nevertheless, note that caffeine intake of 250 mg or more may raise blood pressure in some people.


One cup of regular brewed coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine.

Doses of 200 mg of caffeine, or about two cups of regular coffee, are usually used for weight loss. Research generally employs doses of 1.8–2.7 mg per pound (4–6 mg per kg) of body weight.

However, these doses may depend on the individual and any possible side effects.

13 science-based health benefits of coffee
Suggested read: 13 science-based health benefits of coffee

Summary: Coffee has been shown to decrease appetite, delay stomach emptying, and influence appetite hormones, all of which can help you eat less. Caffeine has also been proven to increase fat burn and aid weight loss.


Certain herbs and plants have been proven to promote weight loss.

They work by reducing appetite, increasing fullness levels, slowing stomach emptying, blocking the absorption of nutrients, and influencing appetite hormones.

Soluble fibers like fenugreek and glucomannan are great at delaying gastric emptying, increasing fullness, and inhibiting energy intake.

Caralluma fimbriata, Griffonia simplicifolia, and garcinia cambogia contain compounds that help increase serotonin levels in the brain, which has been shown to increase fullness levels and decrease carb intake.

Meanwhile, yerba mate, coffee, and green tea extract are rich in caffeine and compounds like EGCG that have been shown to reduce food intake, influence appetite hormones, and boost metabolism.

Lastly, CLA has been shown to increase fat burn and reduce appetite levels.

While results may vary by individual, these supplements seem to be a good approach for those looking to take a more natural approach to weight loss.

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