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Oatmeal and weight gain

Can eating oatmeal make you gain weight?

Oatmeal is an incredibly popular breakfast. This article explains how oatmeal may promote either weight gain or loss depending on the ingredients and toppings you use.

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Does oatmeal lead to weight gain? Toppings and more
Last updated on January 6, 2024, and last reviewed by an expert on November 7, 2022.

Oatmeal is a classic and nutritious meal.

Does oatmeal lead to weight gain? Toppings and more

It’s usually made with instant, rolled, or steel-cut oats, plus other ingredients like milk, water, brown sugar, or fruit.

That said, some versions of oatmeal are healthier than others. Whereas instant oatmeal with a lot of sugar may lead to weight gain, homemade versions sweetened only with fruit may promote weight loss.

No matter your weight goals, you can make small changes to your oatmeal to help you either gain or lose weight.

This article explains whether oatmeal can make you gain weight and provides easy tips to make your oatmeal healthier.

In this article

Does oatmeal cause weight loss or weight gain?

Oatmeal’s effects on your weight largely depend on how it’s prepared.

While oatmeal with a lot of high-calorie add-ons like peanut butter or chocolate chips may promote weight gain, oatmeal made with water, fruit, and minimal sugar is an excellent meal for those trying to lose weight.

That’s because it’s packed with fiber and numerous nutrients, such as magnesium, vitamin B1, and iron. Depending on the ingredients used, it may also be a great source of protein.

In particular, oats are high in beta-glucan, a fiber that promotes fullness by delaying stomach emptying and triggering the release of peptide YY. This fullness hormone may help prevent overeating.

Furthermore, oatmeal contains complex carbs that help stabilize your blood sugar levels and ward off hunger.

Making oatmeal for weight loss

It’s best to prepare your own oatmeal using rolled or steel-cut oats, which are less processed, higher in fiber, and lower in sugar than instant varieties. Just 1/2 cup (40 grams) of dry rolled oats contains 150 calories, 5 grams of protein, and 4 grams of fiber.

If you prefer instant packets, select unflavored, plain products to control how much sugar you add. You can add other delicious, low-calorie spices, such as cinnamon, vanilla, and apple pie spice.

Limiting the amount of sugar keeps the calorie content low and helps prevent a rapid spike and drop in blood sugar that may lead to feelings of low energy and hunger shortly after your meal.

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Make your oatmeal with water and sweeten it with fresh or frozen fruit to add nutrients and fiber. Opt for milk instead of water or a scoop of protein powder for extra protein.

Summary: Oatmeal’s effects on your weight largely depend on its calorie content. For a weight loss version, stick with low-calorie ingredients like fruit, spices, and protein powder.

Oatmeal for weight gain

Oatmeal is also an excellent meal for weight gain since you can easily add extra calories.

First, choose rolled oats, steel-cut oats, or unflavored instant oatmeal. You can add healthy, high-calorie ingredients while limiting added sugar.

Then, choose milk instead of water for extra calories and protein, followed by nutritious, calorie-dense toppings like:

Finally, top your oatmeal with fresh or frozen fruit for sweetness and nutrition.

These nutritious, calorie-dense ingredients increase your daily calorie intake, helping you achieve a calorie surplus for weight gain.

What about instant packets?

Even when trying to gain weight, it’s still best to avoid sweetened instant oatmeal. That’s because these products are generally high in sugar and low in fiber.

For example, one packet of flavored instant oatmeal contains around 13 grams of added sugar. Since the average serving is two packets, this can add up to over 26 grams of sugar in a single meal.

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Eating too much sugar is linked to weight gain and conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

Summary: To boost your oatmeal’s calorie content while keeping it nutritious, choose toppings like nuts, seeds, dried fruit, natural nut butter, honey, and milk.

General tips to make healthier oatmeal

If you’re looking to make your oatmeal more nutritious, here are some helpful tips:

Summary: Adding protein, topping with fruit, and using whole oats are great ways to make your oatmeal more nutritious without compromising flavor.


Oatmeal is a great breakfast whether you’re trying to gain or lose weight. Regardless of your health goals, select unsweetened instant oatmeal or use rolled or steel-cut oats.

For weight loss, choose low-calorie, nutritious ingredients like spices, fresh or frozen fruit, and protein powder.

If you’re trying to gain weight, choose high-calorie ingredients like milk, nuts, peanut butter, honey, and fresh or frozen fruit.

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You can enjoy a nutritious meal while reaching your health goals by making minor adjustments to your oatmeal.

Quick tip: Instead of adding brown sugar to your oatmeal, try cinnamon or apple pie spice for a low-sugar option that still packs a lot of flavors.

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